Friday, November 9, 2007

You try it and let me know what happens

Try it. Think of something impossible. Like meeting a Tony award winning designer. Then don’t worry about it or think “What will they think of me?” Just do it. As long as you aren’t a stalker or something most people are just people and like to talk about what they do. Really it is easier than you think. Who is someone you would like to meet? Find where they work email. Be respectful! Whenever I do one of these kinds of contacts I always end the email with,

“I understand that you are very busy, if you can not help me at this time
could you point me to someone who might be able to?
Thank you so much for your time”

This gives them the out of not needing to help you if they are too busy. On top of that you receive a personal recommendation to this other person whoever it might be from a well respected individual. On the other hand I have never had the person refer me to someone else. A polite Short email is almost always effective.

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