Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Because I asked Part 2...

Ok it has been a few days and I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow but I wanted to follow up from my last post. I am sure you are waiting with baited breath.

While I was contacting these folks I also contacted Irish Dancing magazine to see if they wanted the article. Ok can you believe this, the January issue (deadline November 24) is about Shoes, Feet and Floors. They were very interested in my articles.

The editor of Irish dancing magazine contacted me on the morning of Thanksgiving and wanted to know if I could have all three articles done by the weekend. Yes, three articles. You see the review had bloomed into three articles: how I made my floor, a review of currently available flooring, and a side-bar article about the differences between vinyl and hardwood flooring. I told them that I could not make the deadline for two of them because I don't have the floors yet, but I could probably make the deadline for the one about how I made my floor. With the help of my wife, my mom, and my mother-in-law we wrote a 300 word essay about how I made the floor my daughters dance on and did a mock photo shoot of how to make it yourself. We had it done by Friday morning (which is Friday evening in London where Irish Dancing is published) we made the deadline for the January issue.

The flooring review will be in the February issue. the flooring has already started to arrive.

What are the chances that Irish Dancing's next issue was going to be about the EXACT topic I was thinking of writing about? Well the Lord works in mysterious ways. sometimes just showing up is what it takes.

Remember this all happened,
Because I Asked

there is more to tell as well, You won't believe where the next turn takes me.... more to come


Daniel Flahiff said...

great story! Keep asking! And sharing! (did I use enough exclamation points?)

Joseph Flahiff said...

thanks Hank's

It is amazing that the old proverb is true:

Leap and the net will appear!
