Thursday, December 20, 2007

Skiing your way to Success

I am a skier…OK I was a skier, now I am a father of 3 young girls and I might ski every few years.

When I was in High School I wanted to learn to ski. I was passionate about it. I wanted to ski. So I worked all year on a paper route to save enough to rent my skis and pay for my ski lessons. The first year I learned new mindset in order to learn to ski and to get better at it. The The Mindset was,
“Falling is as much a part of skiing as skiing is”.

This mindset was critically important to me learning to ski. This is still how I ski. The idea is, if you aren’t falling you aren’t pushing yourself and you won’t be getting better. Pretty simple right? You can learn to ski without falling, I guess, but you won’t learn very quickly and you won’t really achieve the full potential as a skier that you could. Makes sense right?

You will achieve more in life if you take this same approach to success.
"Failing is as much a part of success as success. "

So go out there and Fail spectacularly. Go try the moguls don't stick to the Bunny slope you won't get anywhere that way.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Olympic Spirit

Yesterday I had the great privilege of listening to and then meeting Ruben Gonzales, 3 time Olympian. What a great story he has. His message was inspiring and motivating and very helpful to me where I am today. You see, my message has been an still is, just show up and most of the work is done. Most people say they have a dream but they do nothing to make it a reality. The biggest step you can take, I believe, is to take that first step.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step – Chinese proverb

Ruben’s message was that if you will persevere you can have anything you want. He was 21 when he decided to take up the sport of Luge.


The trainers at the Lake Placid Olympic Luge training center laughed at him. They normally start training athletes at 11. Here was this 21 year old who wanted to take up the sport. Well he persevered and in 4 years he became one of the top 50 lugers in the world and went to the Olympics.

His story of sticking with it is just what I needed to hear. Right now I have a business to which I was expecting a much greater response than we are getting and it was tempting to just give it up and go do something else.

Thanks to Ruben I am inspired to push on and figure out why to continue to persevere in my dream of building this company to support my family. I don’t know what I will do but like a bulldog I will not give up. I know our product is something that people will benefit from for years to come. So now I need to figure out how to make it real to them to help the prospects understand the value they have in it.

You can read more about Ruben Gonzales at